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Filing Without an Attorney

To download a form, click on the selected form, then RIGHT-CLICK on the Form: link and select "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As..."
NOTE: All files are in PDF format unless otherwise noted and you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. Download Adobe Reader.

Pro Se Information & Forms

(These forms are to be used for non-prisoner Pro Se filers.  For Pro Se Prisoner Forms please refer to that section below.)

Excerpts of Local Rules of Court and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Complaint Filing Instructions PDF

AO-240 In Forma Pauperis PDF (fillable)

Pro Se Civil Complaint Form PDF (fillable)

JS-44 Form (Civil Coversheet): PDF (fillable)

JS-44 (Civil Coversheet) Instructions: PDF

AO-085 Notice, Consent, and Reference of a Civil Action to a Magistrate Judge

Consent to Proceed Before a U.S. Magistrate Judge in Direct Assignment Civil Cases

Instructions for Completing AO-398 and AO-399 for Pro Se Plaintiff so you may proceed In Forma Pauperis (without prepayment of fees)

AO-398 Notice of Lawsuit and Request for Waiver

AO-399 Waiver of the Service of Summons


USM-285 Process Receipt and Return and Instructions for Service of Process by U.S. Marshal

You will also need an individual PACER account to gain access to our electronic case filing system. Register for one at

Prisoner Filing Information & Forms

Pro Se Prisoner Civil Complaint Packet

Excerpts of Local Rules of Court and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Pro Se Prisoner Civil Complaint Form PDF

Instructions for Filing a Complaint By Pro Se Prisoners: PDF

Prisoner In Forma Pauperis (Civil Rights) form (Fillable PDF)

§ 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State): PDF

§ 2241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (Federal): PDF

AO-240 Prisoner In Forma Pauperis PDF (Habeas Petitions): PDF

§ 2255 Motion to Vacate: PDF

AO-085 Notice, Consent, and Reference of a Civil Action to a Magistrate Judge

Consent to Proceed Before a U.S. Magistrate Judge in Direct Assignment Civil Cases

Instructions for Completing AO-398 and AO-399 for Pro Se Plaintiff so you may proceed In Forma Pauperis (without prepayment of fees)

AO-398 Notice of Lawsuit and Request for Waiver Fillable PDF

AO-399 Waiver of the Service of Summons

USM-285 Process Receipt and Return and Instructions for Service of Process by U.S. Marshal