The U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania uses the Jury Evidence Recording System (JERS) to capture evidence electronically during a trial. The Court provides evidence presentation equipment to any member of the bar practicing within the Middle District of Pennsylvania. A training session on the use of this equipment can be requested by contacting the Judicial Assistant of the presiding Judge in your case.
Introductory Videos
How to Submit Electronic Exhibit Files
Electronic evidence files should be provided on a USB drive, DVD, or CD.
Requirements for Exhibit File Types
All electronic evidence should be provided using the following formats:
- Documents and Images: .pdf, .txt, .jpg, .bmp, .tif, .gif, .png
- Video and Audio Recordings: .avi, .asf, .mpg, .mp3, .mp4, .wav, .wmv, .3gpp
Exhibit Formatting Instructions for Batch Importing
Exhibit files can be formatted in a manner that permits them to be batch imported into the JERS system. The two methods used are described below.
A. Indexed File Method
All files are provided on a single storage device such as a CD, DVD, or USB drive.
A text delimited index file named Exhibits.txt is required.
The Exhibits.txt file must consist of the following pipe delimited layout:
Exhibit Number (optional Sub-Part) | Exhibit Description | Exhibit File Name
B. File Naming Method
All files are provided on a single storage device such as a CD, DVD, or USB drive.
Using any software or method, exhibit files are renamed using the following naming convention:
(exhibit number)-(exhibit part)_(exhibit description).(file extension)
The use of the underscore character ( _ ) is required when an optional description of the exhibit is included and cannot be used elsewhere in the exhibit name. No other characters can be used in front of the exhibit number. (See the illustration below.)
Example listing of valid exhibit file names:
"1-a_photograph.jpg", "12_2009 Tax Statement.pdf", "35d.pdf",
"12(a)_camera footage.wmv"
No additional periods, dashes, or any special characters can be used.